Served with a Twist
Short Stories speak to us in ways that full-length novels cannot. They sometimes touch us sharply, sometimes softly, sometimes with humor, other times with horror, but they always leave their mark.
- Attend a backwoods wedding ceremony that will tickle your funny bone.
- Join a murder scene that will make you smile.
- Follow a troubled soul who wanders into a motorcycle gang’s private party.
- Enter into the dark recesses of a murderer’s mind.
- Encounter a lifetime criminal who wants out of a life of crime and can put major crime bosses away. He only wants to disappear...but can he?
- Meet a man in love with a woman who never smiles and whose daughter doesn’t exist.
These stories and more, each with a twist, take you from the ordinary to the unusual, from the common to the special, and most of all, entertain.